Thursday, June 20, 2019

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner Essay

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner - Essay ExampleIn spite of all the misfortunes, Job remains faithful and true to God. He does not denounce God, but he insists that he wants more explanation for the misfortunes. His friends such as Bildad, Zophar and Eliphaz claim that it is his fault. However, Job is not convinced with that explanation. The trio friends criticized and accused Job for his problems. It is evident that the friends were jealous of Job since he was a humanness of God and they were Satans followers. His three friends pretended to be deplorable for what Job was going throughand wept before Job.God came in the form of tornado to speak to Job. He questioned Jobs whereabouts concerning his creation. God also questioned Jobs power and knowledge of animate nature. Finally, God questioned Jobs audacity to correct Him. Job responded by saying that he was unworthy and not profound to question Gods shipway and will.After some time, God reappears in the form of a whirlwind and challenged Job to prepare himself like a man ready for a battle. God questioned him if he was convinced of his righteousness than Gods. Job responded by confessing his foolish ways and words. He agrees that Gods ways are the best. Job ends up

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