Thursday, June 6, 2019

Coca Cola Strategy Essay Example for Free

coca plant Cola Strategy EssaySlide1 International outline (tiu ca slide nh c) The enterprise has meat competencies = the competitors in the host country does not have or difficult to develop, catch up or imitate Being not under extort to localize products and to reduce production costs Companys head office played a central roleSlide 2 International dodging of coca plant Cola (1900 to 1950)1899-1909 added to 379 bottling plants across the United States for consumption of about 70 million liters / year. 1906 developing the first bottling plant in Havana, Cuba = marked the first step of Coca cola international market 1936 World War broke out = the bottling plant follow the army and when the war ended, coca has owned subsidiaries in 64 countries. 1950 Coca cola started advertising on TV = effects promote in worldwise Slide 3 Global StrategyA business schema as global market or single marketCompany produce and deliver the products which are standardized and identical. Business es build production facilities globally in locations with low cost as the basis for operational efficiency = save cost The operation of the system will be connected and coordinated with a central management official Make the business does not pay attention to the important differences between different markets = opportunity for competitors to jump in and meet the needs Slide 4 Global Strategy of Coca cola (1950 to early 2000)Coca-cola implementing global business strategy by producting homogeneity, uniforming marketing strategy worldwide.In the 1970s and 1980s+ very diversified distribution system in both horizontal and vertical, + the bottling plants of Coca-Cola were on around the world+ linked the retail stores to serve consumers better.In the 1990s find new market with the advantages of the new front to the market = Africa and Asia Slide 5 Transnatoinal strategyMake a get around strategy for each country in which businesses consume theirproducts. Implemented localise products and methods of marketing products to suit the tastes and preferences of each national market Slide 6 Transnatoinal strategy of Coca cola (from 2000s to now) Set up independent subsidiaries, joint ventures in different markets = carry out the research and development stage products, manuf human actionuring and marketing products in the local market. In the early 2000s success on a global scale with nature is a business providing consumer goods Local adaptation Think local, act local strategy towards adaptation but not contrary to the traditional strategy of company-global strategy Distributed organizational structure according to geographic area, including five areas-North the States Latin America. Europe, Asia, Europe and the Middle East borders. Asia Africa.Slide 7 Localization strategy of Coca colaLocalization strategy the practice of adjusting a products operable properties and characteristics to accommodate the language, cultural, political and legal differences of a foreign m arket or country. For Coca Cola this will be done through a tour of actions, first is changing their method of advertising. Ex In India the use of celebrities would be used more than in Africa whereby football is the bigger love of the people Coca-Cola stubborn to change their iconic product name to something a little more consumer-friendly for Chinese market, adopted to use Chinese characters to present a truly localized version of their logo. Cui cng l ci clip t gi hm trc nh Hi.

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